The Nude 52 presents Damian Wayne, bastard son of the Batman!
NOTE: The US Supreme Court ruled in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition that artistic depictions of fictional minors (such as drawings) cannot — by definition — be child pornography, because no children were involved in making them. Furthermore, “The Nude 52!” does not feature sexually explicit drawings of minors — just innocent nudity — so cool off, mkay?
by Zlatan Marić
Innocent. As in innocent nudity. Well, with Damian innocent is not an oft used term. Bratty. Undisciplined, perhaps. I love the Bat-Cow picture, but also feel his nudity could’ve been represented in a well deserved bare-butt spanking!
That’s a good idea. Though I’m not sure how “innocent” that scene would be with the spanker also nude.
True. And there are enough images of Batman spanking Robin on the internet, that it’s become practically cliche. Not that I’d ever disparage the idea of a good spanking…I’d just rather have Nightwing over my knee if I go with that thought!
Never let it be said that the Nude 52 doesn’t respond to visitor feedback. I mentioned your suggestion to Zlatan over breakfast and he cheerfully – perhaps a little too cheerfully – ran to the drawing table:

Oh my goodness!! How wonderful!! LOVE the bat shaped paddle!! Zlatan did a beautiful job!! One wonders if it’s Bruce or Alfred (or Dick, even) on the other end of the paddle. Damian looks properly annoyed. Very funny, boys! And very well done!
I’m very glad you like it Troy!
I was a little unsure at first about how to handle the fact that many DC superheroes are under 18 years old. As a fierce opponent of censorship, I already knew that drawings couldn’t be “kiddie porn” under US law, but I didn’t want to have to rely on that. On the other hand, I didn’t want to rule out popular and entertaining characters just because the “age” field on a “Who’s Who” entry says that they’re supposed to be minors. It’s just “the Nude 52″, not “the Crude 52″, after all. So I’m applying a variation on the Potter Test: I’ll know there’s a problem if I see it.
My buddy Zlatan Marić asked to do Robin, and I knew he’d handle the subject the way I was hoping for: with innocent humor. For those not up on the latest DCU developments, Damian is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, raised until he was 10 years old to follow in his mother’s and grandfather’s villainous footsteps. But taking on the identity of “Robin” under the tutelage of Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne, he becomes a hero. Along the way, he adopts a cow with distinctive markings on its face, which he names “Bat-Cow”.